HomeBlogHappy National Black Cat Day


Happy National Black Cat Day — 10 Comments

  1. I live in the countryside so cats are a necessity to keep vermin down. However, I’ve always loved them and have had many over the years. But until last year I had a beautiful black tom cat. He was the longest cat I’ve ever seen with a tail nearly as long as well and he always stayed skinny, no matter what he ate.
    Then one night last year, May to be precise, he didn’t arrive for his dinner as usual. Didn’t worry too much at the time because he was always wandering. Sadly I never saw him again. I was gutted!! He was a right old softy and loved being rubbed and petted. I don’t think I’ll ever forget him.

  2. Love your little vampire kitty! Our black panther, JujuKitty, was a scrappy stray found literally on the street and is the most rambunctious loving kitty ever. It’s devastating that some black cats get any less of a shot at being adopted. We think they’re sleek and beautiful. Thank you for celebrating black cats! ~Lisa @ BlackCatGifts.com

  3. I love cats, but my black cat Skamper got this name because he was such a skamp (brat). He loved being cuddled like a baby in your arms. He behaved almost like a dog…no collar or leash though. He adored my son and played match box cars, he would roll the car back to my son. He even tried claiming me from my husband, needless to say he was neutered the next day. He was laid back and sweet. He even brought me a mouse so he could teach me to hunt. That did not go well when it ran from in front of me out of the kitchen. He passed 14 years ago but He was the best cat always keeping my feet warm in the winter.

    • I’ve had a couple of cats that liked to be held like babies. It’s so special when they do. I had one what would lick my face when I held him that way. I still miss Pooh Bear.

  4. Just catching up on emails and I can’t resist writing about our “Poof.” He’s the cat I didn’t intend to have as my daughter got him for my mom. He lasted about 8 weeks with her, now he’s ours. He hangs with me all day every day….upstairs, downstairs, wherever I am, Poof is sure to be there. He spends the days I work with my husband but runs to greet me the minute I get back. He plays fetch quite competently and wants us all to know all the high spots in the house are his alone-there will be no touching the backs of chairs if he’s around! It’s unfortunate we recently purchased a black rug as the poor thing is now stepped on regularly as he blends right in. We all love our Poofie, thanks for making me smile!lu

  5. Catching up on e-mails today: my daughter who is living with us temporarily since August own a cat, Mosaic, and they have their own language between them. The cat is able to push open my bedroom door at night so I lose privacy…this is at 5 or 6 am. And she does look for lots of petting. I only like cats if they don’t try to wind in and out of my legs as I walk.

  6. I only ever had one cat (darned allergies), a “blackie” named Cassandra, with a tiny white speck on her chest. She tolerated me because I was the one who fed her; it was my husband who was her favorite. We used to joke that she let him keep me as a pet.

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