National Friendship Day

Those who know such things say that making friends as adults in really difficult. Although I don’t always agree with ‘those who know’, this time I do. Just meeting people seems to be difficult, much less getting to know them enough to be friends. Maybe the bar is set higher as adults. As kids all we need is to be in the same classroom or activity and we can be ‘friends’. But now, we’re more cautious, carry more baggage, and we’ve become more selective with whom we want to invest ourselves and our time.
Being the quiet, introvert type, with weird pursuits like writing, and a rich inner life complete with dragons, I’ve never had scads of friends in the first place. I like time in my head and go a bit crazy if I don’t have time by myself. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want or need friends. I do, and I tremendously value the ones I have.
The last several years have been rife with plot twists and surprise endings that weren’t the way I would have written things had I had the pen in my hand. I’m thankful for the friends and family who have stood by and held me up when I just couldn’t.
So here’s a shout out to my morning writing buddies who are there to check in with and lend an ear when the plot twists get insane; my internet friends who are as ‘real’ as any friend could be, who encourage and support and understand the weird little bunny trails life keeps taking; and my local friends who show up on my doorstep with flowers and chocolate, a cleaning crew, and a shoulder to cry on. All of you have been so important in holding me together, I don’t know where I’d be without you.
Thank you.
It is indeed harder to make friends as we get older, at least that’s my opinion. I haven’t made a study of it, but I am living it. I don’t know if I have anything in particular to blame, it could just be life in general especially aging. I usually end up blaming my own personality, which is shy and introverted when meeting groups of people. I do better one on one. The friends I do have are precious gems, and everything you said really resonates with me. Even though we are senior citizens and have gone through many tough (and wonderful) times in those decades, I think we all retain many of the parts of us that made us shy or reticent back when we were young (by our standards now-young, because we thought we were so grown up.)