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National Ice Cream Day — 3 Comments

  1. Goodness, every time I see a scene where characters are enjoying their morning chocolate, I will think of the above happening in the kitchen. Whew! Cooks and their assistants must have had the arms, biceps, and shoulders of a linebacker. All that stirring, grating and milling would be a workout worthy of today’s finest exercise regime. This was so interesting. I am always amazed at the ingredients they used and how they made things that we enjoy today. We might be surprised at the ingredients used in our favorite candy/chocolate. They are hidden behind scientific-sounding words/names that seem innocuous. Actually, I don’t think I want to know. Thanks for sharing your research.

  2. Thank heavens I don’t live in that time as I would starve to death! I hate cooking at the best of times and cut corners where I can! But they don’t seem to have had that option ?.
    They used to make a perfume called Ambergris in the 70s, I really liked it until I found out what it was. There were three in the set also including Civet and Musk but I believe they were banned after a while.
    I wonder how it was obtained in those days as I would imagine it would be hard work catching a whale with the type of boats they had then ?.
    Thanks for this information Maria ?

  3. wow, a lot of labor went into a cup of cocoa or a bowl of ice cream. It’s no wonder only the rich could afford it; it required a full kitchen staff to make all of the dishes for a breakfast or other meal.

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