Celebrating National Kitten Day!
A week ago, I was fairly certain I would not be able to make this post. I was on my way to the emergency vet, a day after having adopted these two. Suddenly very ill with an upper respiratory virus infection, we nearly lost both of them. But today, a week later, on National Kitten Day, they are once again full of ginger and purrs, chasing one aother around the office and demanding their share of the conversation.
With joy and not a little relief, I introduce apprentice desk cats, Merry (black, female) and Pippin (ginger, male)

Kittens first year is always a bear, rife with dread, astonishment, mayhem and joy! Those tiny things remind us this life is worth living and its always a brave new world everyday we wake up. Always get your.kitten a kitten if you want any peace in your first year of the mutual appreciation process that is life with a cat! Good on Merry and Pip for coming through their rough patch and you for making it happen. Its national kitten day! Another excuse to treat my brats like special weirdos they are, lol. Have fun with yours, maybe they’ll learn to use your keyboard like my Bear did, but good luck understanding the written word of cat!
After this, “and demanding their share of the conversation” I was fully expecting to hear that one of them was named Lady Catherine!
May they chase each other, adorn your desk, and triumphantly vanquish enemies such as balls, squinched pipecleaners, and intruders like crickets, for many happy years.
I am so happy that they made it! My fur baby turned one July 8th! The storm kept him going last night, so I didn’t get much sleep ?
Happy National Kitten Day to all who celebrate. Just a note, I didn’t choose this font… it chose me. Blessings.
Looks like it was posted correctly. Oh well.