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Good or Merely Nice — 5 Comments

  1. Fortunately I’ve not run into many people like this. Perhaps on a peripheral social media level but not much in my life… though there is still “Mean Jenny” as she’s known in these parts lol. I hope to remember this as my life changes and new people enter my circle

  2. I was just asking, “What has happened to people?” Why is there this underlying nastiness bubbling below the surface of almost everyone.” Even on my beloved Jane Austen sites on FB, it is creeping in. I just lost a friend who turned into a ‘wolf’ over wearing a mask. She wanted me to not wear a mask to support her views. When I refused she went ballistic.

  3. Bless your heart. It is a hard thing to accept when you finally see the wolf behind what you thought was a friend. Having lived a few more decades than you, I’ve seen it and unfortunately experienced it several times. It can happen anywhere, within a family, work, school, and worst of all… church. As we continue in this downward spiral, I’m afraid we will see this more and more especially as people hide behind their social media screens. Thanks for sharing this. Hang in there… this too shall pass and you will heal.

  4. This comes to mind,

    Philippians 1:6 NIV
    I am far from being who I believe God wants me to be. Too often I make choices based on what I want; I value things that have no eternal significance; my attitudes often reveal some ugly truths about myself. There are times when I don’t think much about my shortcomings; especially when I can focus on the shortcomings of others. But other times I am painfully aware of how far the path to godliness stretches ahead of me.

    I am a work in progress…God is not finished with me yet.

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