And the Universe said…

So today is National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. It was invented in the 1960’s by Florence Rappaport of Rochester New York, to entertain her six children during a blizzard. The best part of the story is that her children and grandchildren not only continued the tradition, but spread it around the world. I love that.
I had planned to write more about National Ice Cream for Breakfast day, but then, the universe said, in a slow Texas drawl, “Hold my beer.”
Perhaps I should back up a moment, because there is more to that story. The Universe does not say ‘hold my beer’ unprovoked. Nor would something as mundane as a mere blog post warrant universe-level distraction. No, for that I would have to say something very stupid.
Stupid like, oh, I don’t know, I have huge plans for the next few months. Or maybe something more specific, like oh maybe, I’m trying to get a book finished. Then again, I’m always trying to get a book finished, so that wouldn’t be enough. How about (said to a dear author friend of mine yesterday) “Well yeah, the next couple of months are going to be crazy. I’m trying to get two books out in the next two months.”
Yikes. That might just do it.
And just in case it wouldn’t be enough, I was thinking, but not saying, “What I really want to do is get three done in the next three months. But considering one is past halfway done and the other do are past the three quarters mark, that shouldn’t be such a big deal.”
That did it, the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. I might have gotten away with what I said, but I had to push it one inch too far by thinking too much.
That’s when the universe said (in a slow deep West Texas drawl), “Hold my beer.” adjusted its dusty ten gallon hat and ambled my way, spurs clinking ominously. Fade to black, cut scene.
Next scene, fade into my Mr. Darcy and I returning home from a day off to find water dripping through our bedroom ceiling. Right above my dresser. Following a great deal of frenzy, we discovered the water heater in the attic which sits directly above my dresser was now leaking. Directly onto my bedroom ceiling.
I had been saying I really needed to clean up the post-holiday chaos and clutter in my room, so now that moved to the top of the list. Not precisely the way I’d like to be jolted out of procrastination. No definitely not.
The plumber is here now, telling us we have to replace the water heater (no surprise) and that it could have been far worse. And he’s right about that. The ceiling didn’t cave in, we didn’t have major structural damage—it could have been far, far more difficult. And for that I’m very grateful.
That being said, I haven’t had breakfast yet, and ice cream is starting to sound like a very good idea. Ice cream with a very great deal of chocolate.
And then I’ll get back to those books.
Oh Dang! I hope it goes well for you & its not too expensive. Speaking of “hold my beer,” The transmission on our suburban may just be toast. And my trying to get 3 more audiobooks done by the end of february…
Ice cream for breakfast sounds like a good way to start the day.
Oh, bless your heart. Those water heaters are a hazard when they decide to give up the ghost. There is usually no warning and they just go to their happy reward leaving chaos and destruction in their wake without even a by-your-leave. Grrr! I hope all goes well with whatever you are able to achieve. The Universe may win this round but the war is not over. Hang in there.
Oh dear, I really hope you manage your clear up soon! Lucky the ceiling stayed up. Before we had children we left the house, slamming the door and went to work. We called at my parents in law’s house on the way home for tea then went home to get ready as we were meeting friends. Alas before we moved in the roof had been done and the workmen had apparently thrown rubble down into the roof space, the ceiling decided it had had enough and collapsed so we went upstairs to find it all over the bed. We had to get ready and go out, luckily we had a spare bedroom. I had to wash the bedding so many times I couldn’t count (no automatic machine at that time either).
Fingers crossed you didn’t have bad water damage and that you do manage to get your writing challenge completed.
Yup, a similar thing happened to us. We were just starting to breathe normally again after the traumas of 2019, when the Universe did that to us! Virtually without warning, the automatic gearbox on our car gave up the ghost a couple of weeks ago. We only have the one car as most of the time, we don’t need two, except times like this, when we do! I’ve discovered that I hate car shopping even more than clothes and shoe shopping but I have to have a car for work as public transport to virtually all of the places I go to simply isn’t a practical option.
Sorry to hear about your woes. At least you can look on the bright side, in that the ceiling is intact and no major damage done. Cleanup can be horrible though and take far longer than it should. The copious quantities of chocolate sound like a good idea. If it was evening, I’d say wash it down with some decently chilled Chardonnay. Can’t say it would work for breakfast but it definitely does at the other end of the day. Trust me on that one!
My furnace died when Big Spring had an unprecedented snowfall of 8 inches! That is a record in semi-arid West Texas. The town was paralyzed (as was I). Off to a motel where the heat was stuck on HIGH!
But I did get a new heater/AC unit.