HomeFresh FictionLady Catherine’s Cat pt 3


Lady Catherine’s Cat pt 3 — 10 Comments

  1. Why oh why didn’t Ginger arrive before the Colonel opened his big mouth??? Well I hope the cat can come up with a plan to prevent Elizabeth from resenting Darcy for his interference (and preferably soon 🙂 !)

  2. Oh dear, it looks like it is about to hit the fan. Will there be a confrontation right there with all three parties present to discuss EVERY thing? Will Ginger jump from party to party as they talk. Or will he cling to Elizabeth to calm her… gently batting at her face with the pad of his paw? Interesting to see this different approach to that pivotal point in canon .

  3. Ginger’s timing could have been a bit more propitious; if only he had interrupted their conversation about three sentences earlier, all might have gone well. 😉

    So why has Ginger thrown himself into the conversation at this point? I am quite curious (as a cat) to know!!

    Thanks for this fun story, Maria!! I’m really enjoying Ginger’s part in this tale!! (tail?)

    Susanne 🙂

  4. What? Was Ginger distracted by a butterfly? A mouse? Good grief, that cat needed a bit more speed, if it was his/her (?? forgot which??) intention to bring ODC together. Many times you think ‘they just know….’ whatever that means at the moment, because they do seem ‘to know’ with an uncanny ability, what is going on and what they think you should be doing about it.

  5. Going as per canon. I am wondering where this will lead as it is a short story. Thanks for this chapter.

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