A Party at the Philips - Random Bits of Fascination
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A Party at the Philips — 4 Comments

  1. Charlotte (and her mother) definitely see things in Mr. Collins the rest of us miss. As well as familial mannerisms and an excellent perspective on the otherwise so-familiar Meryton society.

    It would be delightful to get a Charlotte’s-eye-view of some of the Lizzy/Darcy interchanges. Charlotte notices he looks at her often. What else does she see in those looks?

  2. I agree with Catherine’ analysis. Great scene from Charlotte’s POV. I hope to read others and look forward to your next novel. I do get two copies of your mailings, perhaps one can be deleted?

    • Which mailing? The Newsletter or the website? There should be an unsubscribe link on every mailing you get that will take you off the list. I can manually change the newsletter one, but not the website one.

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