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If You Think That’s Bad… — 8 Comments

  1. WOW!!! THANK YOU Marie Grace for so exquisitely putting into words –> a making me have a “feel good” especially nowadays BIG SIGH These quotation from Maya Angelou says what your JAFF and your writings do for me:

    “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”


    “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

    • Thank you for sharing the poet’s wise words in response to Maria’s heartfelt essay.

      I totally agree with both of you and strive to be an empathetic person with compassion for other’s viewpoints.

      Sometimes anger interrupts my good intentions, but then anger in itself can also be constructive. An energy to change something.

  2. Maria, you gave me pause and cause to feel good about a friend who shared good news with me yesterday. It is good to know that I still have empathy for others because I was beginning to feel that I had grown increasingly cynical. I am a recently retired educator praying ? for all educators worldwide, not just America. My friend went on a job ? interview for a teaching position at a new school because she was miserable at her old school. When she called, I could hear the joy in her voice, something that I had not heard in almost a year! I was thrilled for her, and I was able to let her joy infuse my battered soul! I guess people no longer realize ? just how important it is right now to hear good news ? news about anything! Congratulations on your first granddaughter! In spite of all this misery and death, life continues, which is a good thing. It really would be a horrible world and difficult ? to get up out of the bed ? if nothing good ? was occurring in the world ? or our lives. Personally, I want to hear some good news for a change. We need to fill each other’s buckets every day with positive comments and thoughts because it will sustain us as we move forward.

  3. I never thought about this but you are so right! I really hope that I’m not guilty of this, I do struggle to make conversation sometimes but I would hope I wouldn’t resort to this type of oneupmanship!
    Many congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter, I hope you’ve been able to have cuddles? There is nothing better than cuddling a baby so I do hope so.
    I haven’t been able to see my grandsons except for on screen as my twins are in nursery and I’m on the ‘at risk’ list. My other grandsons are in Australia so goodness knows when I’ll see them next. (This is just sharing grandchildren info and hopefully doesn’t qualify as ‘if you think that’s bad’?)
    Hoping you and your family stay safe and healthy ?

  4. Maria, I agree with the need for empathy. The Bible tells us to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.

    Congratulations, a new grand baby is such a blessing. As was stated above, there is a sense of hope in the future when a new life enters our world. I hope you are able to enjoy this gift as much as possible.

    God bless you in this perilous times.

  5. I finally had to quit watching TV. I didn’t even turn on my computer until about an hour ago and I am still going through my emails and newsfeeds. I just can’t handle it. I can handle congratulating you on the new addition to your family. 2020 will be a year to remember. It will be interesting to see what that generation accomplishes as they were born in such a stressful time. If that statement about the loss of a pet was you… I am so sorry. I know you love your pets. Blessings to you and yours… be careful, stay safe, healthy, and know that we love and support you in your good times and sad times.

  6. Maria, I am overjoyed for you and your family with the birth of your new grandchild! What a blessing, what a dear, dear blessing. I’m so happy for you all. And a girl!!! Insert many pink hearts here. I have every heartfelt thought going out toward her parents. This is such a strange time right now to be going through a ‘typically’ stressful time in your life which so often can bewilder us. It’s so worth it though. (more hearts)

    Oh Woman! My heart goes out to you. I’ve been aware of, and hesitating to read this post for a few days. This is something I have to deal with a lot (no, not right now gratefully,) doesn’t everyone? I have experienced this at the most stressful times of my life though, which just broke my heart. However, I know this person through and through and that she is a wonderful human being and she does have her own plate full. It’s not worth losing a very long friendship over to walk away.

    I greatly fear I have done this to others, although I strive not to with every action or reaction . Or that I have done something like the following….. God forgive me!

    I also know that some people just do not know how to show sympathy or empathy toward others-strangers and friends alike. And that going the route of naming something awful they experienced is their only way (yes, self serving) to show the other person that they know what they’re going through. We’re supposed to have evolved, and indeed many of us have risen above where we came from. But I was raised in a family that did not trust good fortune or happiness. Always grief right around the corner. I think these things kind of go hand in hand somehow. Sounds like a terrible excuse though, doesn’t it?

    I cannot watch the news, haven’t been able to for a very long time. I miss the strictly local station we had down in TX. But once the 2016 election campaign got up and going I zoned out of national news. Couldn’t take it any more. But there are always ways to get news and you can’t pick up a paper (less biased) or go on social media and be exposed, and of course we’ve all needed to know what COVID-19 is doing to our world. But day after day after day. DEPRESSING as heck. We all have friends and relatives on the front lines to worry over. Sigh…

    I may never hear what was so sad in your life, Maria, that you received that selfish response to but I pray that you do have the support to move through it. God bless you and your family. Please pull through and stay safe.

  7. Deep thoughts…thanks for sharing. During the pandemic all of us certainly see people near and out in the world with suffering but life goes on, children are born, goals are met, celebrations happen, illnesses and death come. If we are realistic we know we all have our good and our bad times. Sharing both is healthy. We all could use support in those times. Plus we should give it back in our turn on the other side.

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