HomeBook NewsHere There Be Dragons-Sneak Peek


Here There Be Dragons-Sneak Peek — 33 Comments

  1. Love it!! So many questions/ideas to follow:
    Primarily-What trouble has Viola gotten herself into now?
    Why are the vast majority of dragon hearing men such addle-patted, sexist cretins? (I know that’s partly the time period but really to not like a female dragon -Cypher seems a pleasant drake, Allenden is an idiot)
    I think some of issues with the male members of the Order are why Elizabeth and Anne became such good friends – both have little tolerance for the supposed superiority of the men, both were not treated the best by their fathers, and both are married to men who love and respect their wives as capable, intelligent women.
    What issue is causing the “rough weather” in the shop today? Since it’s in the bay could it have something to do with Kellynch? I would think he’d been feeding there during his “hibernation” so I wouldn’t think that the change to Kellynch-by-the-Sea would have affected fishing numbers to arouse suspicion or cause an issue.
    Mrs Frankel and Mist seem like a nice friend pair
    Can’t wait to read more!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I am looking forward to reading this book! When are you going to get Lady Ann Wentworth her own “Friend”? so that she isn’t lonely? She shouldn’t be left to her own devices like that. It isn’t fair!, especially since she is stuck with such monogamistic Cretins! At least Kellylench is happy for a change!

  3. I am sorry that Anne has not found friends yet and that Allenby is such an ass. hopefully your pen will materialize a companion/friend for her soon. In thinking about the distance in the bay, could it be sea dragons in revolt? This sounds like a great start book, can’t wait for it to be published!!

  4. Oh, lovely! I am so eager to read this…although I love the audio versions, which are a longer wait!

    Anne needs friends, both dragon and dragon hearing. And perhaps children?

  5. Very interesting! I enjoy your tales involving the Wentworths. I have always really liked Anne. This sounds intriguing.
    A couple of notes, not to criticize, but former proof reader here. Please check the third sentence in the second paragraph for a possible missing word and I believe that there may be another in the conversation between Cypher (love the name for an office assistant) and Anne. “Mist said you were (in) search of your correspondence “. Hope you don’t mind the comment.

  6. Hard to tell from this sample if Allenden is being neglectful or downright malicious, not giving Anne her correspondence as he’s supposed to do. And why have the seamen and fishermen come to him with whatever their grievance is? Oh, can’t wait to read this one!

    I like the reason for Cypher’s name.

    Aren’t zaltys usually found in pairs or am I misremembering?

    • Well I’m hooked! I’m glad you are following up with the Wentworths. I would have hated to see them disappear from the story line (they have so much to do.) I love the way Anne is developing. I find here very relatable! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for them!

      As far as Allenden goes all I can say is Dominance!

  7. Wonderful read, thank you for the preview. I am so looking forward to the full book, I can hardly wait, will it be soon? No pressure, next week will be fine.😍😍😁😁😁

  8. Sounds to me like you’re setting Anne up to not be too busy to take over some of Allenden’s work herself… 😊 I think a tatzelwurm would suit Anne better than a fairy dragon, at least one of the bossier kind!

  9. I love reading about Anne and Kellynch the most of all the heroines in your series. I can’t wait for this book. I think Anne deserves a truly special Friend, maybe one we haven’t seen before. I recently read all the books again from the beginning. Thank you so much for all of them!

  10. Doesn’t Anne have dragon friends? Didn’t she get twins from Laconia and Mina? Corn or Wall wasn’t mentioned in this little excerpt. I would think they would be some company instead of having no one.

    I just discovered your books. I love Jane Austen and Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series. My two favorite authors. I have all their books in my library. So finding your series that combine the two was awesome! Too bad I didn’t find it earlier than a month ago.

  11. What a fun snippet! Just enough to whet our curiosity about what’s going on with Allendale and out in the bay, not to mention Briarwood. Whatever it all is, I’m sure Anne (and Wentworth with Kellynch) will handle it all with aplomb. I can’t wait to find out!

  12. As usual a very enjoyable snippet. Just a couple of grammatical errors I noticed but that’s me, sorry!
    Trouble with your books is that I read them so quickly then have to sit and wait again!
    That’s not really a complaint by the way, maybe I just need to read all of them again in the meantime!

  13. I cannot wait, that was a very interesting snippet that you gave us.
    Thank you for shaving this chapter

  14. I’m looking forward to the new book! I had several holidays at and around Lyme Regis 70 or so years ago and still remember the place fondly. Dare I hope that your people will find their way up to the castle remains above Marshwood?

  15. I love it, but then your books always hook me pretty quickly. I also noted a few double and missing words that your proofreading and editors should catch.
    The delay in mail delivery is a clue that trouble is bound to be there, and I like the nice teaser about the harbor leading us to consider her dragon’s current or future involvement.

  16. Love, love, love. I can’t wait to get hold of this book.
    OH the tangled web we weave. To have not gotten her mail, and there is urgency.
    I am so ready!!!! mentally, I could never physically. I am a wimp. lol.

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