HomeBook ReccomendsBooks and Chocolate-March 2022


Books and Chocolate-March 2022 — 4 Comments

  1. Those are both fun series. Have you read Mary Robinette Kowal’s “Glamorist Histories” books? Regency England but with magic. Patricia C. Wrede has several alternative magic universe series “The Cecelia and Kate Novels”, her “Frontier Magic Series”, her “Matter of Magic” duology and her classic series “The Enchanted Forest Chronicles” about the Dragon Kazul and her Princess Cimorene. Marisa Doyle has several books in her Magic Regency series about the Leland sisters.

    Anna Lee Huber has an amazing mystery series the Lady Darby mysteries that’s a great read.

  2. “Paper Magician” is on my TBR list because I liked Holmberg’s “Spellbreaker”. (Which reminds me that I need to order the sequel, “Spellmaker”.)

    Just finished Marc Secchia’s “Call Me Dragon” trio, which was a lot of fun. A few linguistic tics that irked me (“infeasible”, “despite that”) but the basic premise and the two main characters were favorites. If Secchia’s other books are this much fun, I’ll definitely be reading more.

    Back to Naomi Nowik’s Temeraire series. Book 4 has me bogged down a bit – getting tired of fighting wars and Lawrence’s eternal gloom – but the first one (on my Kindle) was so much fun that I ordered the entire 9-vol. series in paperback.

    Looking forward to Mary Kingswood’s next release, #6 in her six-volume “Stranger” series. She’s got several series out, all Regency romances with a touch of mystery thrown in. Most of the characters are well drawn, the mysteries kept me guessing (I’m not one of those who try to figure it out before the denouement; I prefer to enjoy the ride), and she lets some of her characters from one series appear in others. That lends a small-town feel to the whole.

    The rest of my reading is stacks and stacks of articles for my master’s program. Fortunately, most of them have actually been interesting. 😉

  3. I’ve been re-reading Sarah Waldock’s “Felicia and Robin” medieval mystery series. First book is “Poison for a Poison Tongue.” Felicia is an opinionated hoot, and extremely competent.

    The Paper Magician is excellent, as are the sequels.

    I am also reading Heidi (yes, the children’s book – I saw the movie years ago but never read the book), and Henri Pirenne’s history, “Mohammed and Charlemagne.”

    Doesn’t everyone have six or seven books going at once? Light reading for before bed or at lunch, serious reading, knowledge expansion, craft learning, and more!

  4. Pingback:Books and Chocolate-May 2022 - Random Bits of Fascination

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