Primitive Sugar Candy - Random Bits of Fascination
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Primitive Sugar Candy — 3 Comments

  1. The idea of using whale vomit and musk as perfume and/or medicine ingredients has always seemed more than a little disgusting to me. And it begs the question, how desperate – and for what – were the people who first tried it?

    But oil of nutmeg, and the Townsends? Color me (not!) shocked. Love their videos. Thanks for sharing this one, as I had not seen it before.

  2. As a child I used to love sweets called Scented Satins, Floral Gums and Parma Violets. All perfume flavoured. I’m not sure about the first two but as far as I know the last ones are still available.
    In the early seventies there were also three popular perfumes – Musk, Ambergris and Civet, but they were discontinued.
    I’m not sure that I could eat the pepper candies but the mint ones would definitely be ok. In fact I used to make mint sweets many years ago.

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