April Gratitudes

Spring Gratitudes
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
William Arthur Ward.
Another eventful month has past, bringing the good and the less than good. Today though, I’m going to focus on the good and make sure, like the quote above says, I give the gift, not just wrap it.
So, this month, I’m grateful for (in no particular order):
Available vaccines!
’nuff said, right?
The privilege of helping my family and extended family get scheduled for their vaccines
It probably says a lot about me that it was such a thrill finding openings and getting them scheduled. LOL
The beginning of spring, which is hands down my favorite time of year.
Flowers, new green growing things. Gentle weather that is neither too hot nor too cold—what’s not to love?
The azalea blossoms that soldiered through the winter freeze and are bravely showing their fancy-dress against a backdrop of brown and crunchy leaves.
It’s certainly not the most beautiful blossoming we’ve ever had, but it is particularly special.

My fabulous daughter-in-law who is a joy and encouragement to me, an incredible wife to my son, and an amazing mother to my delightful grandbabies.
I just love this gal! Who else would bring the kids over in their matching PJ from Christmas knowing I’d experience cuteness overload!
Finishing the latest dragon book!
95,000 words!
On-line friends old and new whose friendships are every bit as real as my in-person friends.
You guys know who you are! You are loved!
Being married to a man with whom I can successfully share a home office.
Ok, we’ve had a few hiccups, but we’ve managed it and we’re still speaking at the end of the day!
The courage to make some much needed, but difficult changes.
Change is rough, but there are moments when you know that you know it’s what has to happen.
The wisdom (finally!) to see some people as they really are and establish healthier boundaries.
I want people to be wonderful and as lovely and nice as they seem. But that isn’t always the case. I’m slowly learning to see who people are and step back a little as necessary. Can’t say that I’m good at it by any means. But little by little, maybe I’m getting better.
Things I’m grateful for:
– The guy who was able to come over this afternoon and get my bedding plants in the ground for me – fast, thorough, and very reasonable price!
– all the spring bulbs making their appearance
– noise-cancelling headphones (so I can work while my husband watches TV)
I am grateful for the vaccine..especially for my husband ( whose medical career began in NYC and AIDS and ends with Covid). He has his 2 jabs,and the rest of our family have at least one! The hold outs are the ones in London
I am also very very grateful to all the JAFF authors who have shared their imagination with us readers …:they are the best and I thank them from the bottom of my heart
I love the coordinated grandchildren!
I’m grateful for our NHS for their speedy response to my medical problem. One month after my initial call I’d had investigative treatments, an MR scan and was undergoing keyhole robotic surgery. Six weeks later I’m awaiting a final preventative treatment and am feeling so much better.
I’m also truly grateful for family and friends who helped me through this. I’ll be even more grateful when I can finally give them the well deserved hugs!
I am so grateful:
… to the Lord above for all His blessings, grace, and mercy especially as we celebrate His death, burial, and resurrection this weekend.
… that hubby is in remission. We still have many hurdles yet but no more chemo.
… to be able to keep him home.
… for the strength both physical and mental to handle whatever comes my way
… for the JAFF community: authors, readers, bloggers, and reviewers. What an amazing community that brings together friends from around the world.
… family, friends, and my church family
Blessings, everyone, stay safe, and healthy.
I am grateful each morning that the LORD has brought me through another night.
I am so thankful for my children, their spouses and our grandchildren.
I am thankful for the USA and our freedoms.
I am grateful for my neighbor and her boys who give me help in many ways.
I am thankful for being able to read and write and enjoy this JAFF community and all the stories.
Thank you, LORD, for all my friends and my husband who takes care of things like paying the bills.
May blessing descend on all here and may you all be healthy. May you get your vaccines soon. I am thankful to have gotten mine.