Day 29- 30 Days of Gratitude
Gratitude #29: What abilities, talents or skills are you grateful for?

It is a bit of a joke in the family about how often complete strangers, especially at the grocery store, will spontaneously tell me way more about themselves than I want to know. Like a woman in the dairy aisle who, after asking where the sour cream was, proceeded to tell me about her ex-husband, the convicted child molester, who was dead and how she felt guilty that she wasn’t unhappy he was dead. Or the woman at the next table over at the in-store MacDonalds who, while pouring something rather strong from a hip flask into her iced tea, admired my grandbaby, who was with me, then went on to tell me about her recent cancer diagnosis.
My kids say I have ‘I’ll listen’ tattooed on my forehead in ink that can only be seen by those who need to talk.
There are days when it can be a bit uncomfortable, to be sure, but all in all, I’m grateful to be a safe person to talk to about difficult things.
I am grateful for all my senses and sight is way up there. If I could not read a book or messages from friends on my computer life would be dull. I also like to do craft projects and have even recently made a felt Christmas stocking for my one daughter’s dog…yes, the dog. I also made stockings for all my children, their spouses and for my grandchildren. So I am thankful for that skill.
I don’t have much talent, but my friend came to me to help with building a house. I felt honored but then my friend said “Because you are the greatest critic”. I guess I can be on very “expensive” matters.
I am also thankful because I am a patient, reflective person and I try to see the good things in all things. Even in this pandemic, I try to see what are these times telling us …
I am a ‘Jack-of-all-trades and master of none.’ I’ve dabbled in ALL the crafts [needle, sewing, scrapbooking, etc.] and love doing that but I have zero talent in decorating. I love being creative and pass my COVID time writing in my journal and decorating it. I enjoy reading and then writing reviews. Blessings, everyone… stay safe and healthy.