It’s Stir it up Sunday!
oday’s Stir it up Sunday, the traditional day to get those Christmas puddings made so they can age until Christmas.
Continue reading →oday’s Stir it up Sunday, the traditional day to get those Christmas puddings made so they can age until Christmas.
Continue reading →Though the Christmas feast was a high point in the festivities, other balls and parties, especially on Twelfth Night placed many demands on the Regency kitchen. So many guests could require a tremendous amount of food to be kept on hand. All this celebrating could leave a hostess utterly overwhelmed and exasperated by the end of the season. A wide variety of dishes would be prepared, but a few were particularly favored and iconic. Boar’s … Continue reading →
Each year it seems we complain that the holiday season begins earlier and earlier with some shops bringing out holiday goods even in the last months of summer. The holiday calendar during the Regency era was a little more clearly defined, with a very predictable set of dates and events for celebration. Holiday celebrations and traditions extended from a week before Advent all the way through to Twelfth Night in January. During the entire season … Continue reading →
Though today’s video depicts 18th century methods, little changed about making plum pudding during the Regency Era. 18th Century Cooking with Jas Townsend and Son: Plum Pudding Read more about plum pudding here. Read about the Bennet family’s Stir it Up Sunday here. Read more about syllabub and other holiday foods here. If you enjoyed this post you might also enjoy:
Continue reading →Continuing on the theme of Regency Era Christmas traditions, the quintessential Christmas food, the plum pudding!
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