HomeBlogBirth, Death and another pan of Lemon Brownies


Birth, Death and another pan of Lemon Brownies — 7 Comments

  1. Corn bread and pinto beans. Corn bread baked in the cast iron skillet that I inherited from mother (now deceased 2014) and dried beans that no matter how I try I cannot cook like Mother did. Sister is the only one that can do that.

  2. Maria Grace, I’m so sorry about your mother. I hope you and yours are hanging in there. I’m glad you can find some solace in all the ways your children and grandchildren are thriving, and thank you for sharing the lemon bars recipe (dessert certainly being a form of comfort in challenging times). All the best, Christina

  3. My deepest sympathies on the sudden loss of your mother. Tea, chocolate, *and* lemon brownies are all called for, for comfort. At least we are not like those with no hope, and you can look forward to being reunited some day in heaven.

  4. I’m so sorry to hear about your Mum! Hopefully your memories will help.
    When I used to bake I made a lemon drizzle cake which sounds similar. It was a super easy recipe and is now made by my daughter, my daughter-in-law and my sister-in-law!
    My go to comfort is a cup of Earl Grey tea and a stem ginger cookie!

  5. I am sad to hear of your mother’s sudden and unexpected death. Will add my prayers to yours as you mourn and find another new normal.
    Thank you for posting how to bake lemon drizzle cake and picture of the small gap in the cake and author emerging from the gap and the adorable looking dragon.
    My comfort is chocolate biscuit and weak Earl Grey tea and hugs from loved ones.

  6. Thank you for this post. My mother passed away this year on Mother’s Day and we are in the throes of all that needs to be done when someone passes. I have been thinking about the “one less” at the reunions, events, etc. It is a bit off putting to think about one of the mainstays missing from the events. But uplifting to think about all who will be joining in the future. Mom was the one who always hosted thoes things – always welcoming anyone and everyone no matter what. She was also the one who provided the best comfort food for us — chocolate chip cookies. They are my go to always – even present at her celebration of life. Thanks again for this post.

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