Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
Since I somehow managed to miss National Dog Day, I thought I’d better make sure I didn’t miss this one.

These are my ginger brothers, the morning shift desk cat crew. Every morning, they eat breakfast and come to my desk for scritches and naps. There is a cat bed on the desk to encourage them to nap somewhere other than on the papers that I currently need. Some morning it words, in this picture it did not. The pale ginger boy is directly on top of the papers that I most need.
Naturally, that’s what cats do, right?
Fun fact, did you know all ginger cats are tabby cats, but not all tabbies are gingers? Most ginger cats are male because the ginger gene is carried on the X chromosome. They also have a reputation for being the sweetest natured cats. I can’t speak in general, but these two brothers are total purring cuddlebugs most of the time.
So here’s a shout to the wonders of the ginger cat! Tell me about your furry friends!
My husband is allergic to both cats and dogs so our pets tended towards parakeets, hamsters and a rabbit. My one daughter now owns a cat but it is not a ginger one.
Lovely pictures. I do not have a furry friend at this time. Maybe in the future. That is something to think about.
My husband I had only female cats from 1982 to 2014 when we adopted our first male kitten, named Fitz (short for Fitzwilliam of course). He is a (pure-bred) ruddy Abyssinian and is energetic and ready to play but a dedicated snuggle bug at night. We also have a female blue Abyssinian named Georgie (short for Georgiana). She isn’t related to Fitz but is about six months younger. She is tiny weighing a svelte 6 pounds, fearless, and a lap junky. We can’t imagine not having one or two feline “children” in our lives.