Twelfth Night History A’la Carte 2021 Edition

Happy Twelfth Night and Many Blessings to you and yours!
I hope you are enjoying a wonderful time with those you love this holiday season. Grab a cup of cocoa, put your feet up and enjoy a little bit of the season’s history with a look at Twelfth Night history.
Twelfth Night Cake
- Twelfth Night cake
- A History of Twelfth Night Cake
- Twelfth Night Cake Serviette
- The Ceremony Of The Baddeley Cake
- Plum pudding for Old Christmas Day
Twelfth Night Celebrations
- Twelfth Night
- Epiphany: Three Kings Day
- Twelfth Day
- Plough Monday
- Twelfth Night parties, parlour games, cake – and the Old Family Coach.
- Christmastide: It’s not over yet!
- Lift Your Mug of Wassail and Raise Your Voice in Song: a Brief Look at Twelfth Night
You can find an index to all the Regency Christmas tradition posts HERE
You can find more Christmas History posts HERE
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I was never sure whether the decorations came down ON the 6th or BY the 6th! From this I assume it’s ON!
I’m always erring on the side of caution though so mine came down last night!
It’s amazing how some traditions have been carried on through the years and how they came about.
Thank you for sharing.
Epiphany was the day I took down our tree.