Reason #66 Why writing takes so long
#66 Breakfast Meetings

Have you ever noticed that meetings are a challenge? It’s hard to get staff there, hard to get them to focus, hard to stay on task. Maybe its just me, but I’d wager early morning meetings are even more difficult than ones atmore civilized times of day.
It is accepted wisdom that nothing makes a meeting go down easier than providing food for the party. And I’m happy to do that for my faithful feline staff.
In their dishes.
Not on my plate.
Apparently, they did not get the memo though. They have decided that anytime there is food on my desk, it is time for a meeting. They descend upon said meeting like hungry vultures circling a carcass.
Rest assured they were not invited to a breakfast meeting over the sourdough-egg-and chees eopen faced sandwich made for me by my middle son. Nope, absolutely not. That treat was made for me and will be mine alone.
Even if I have to carry around the plate in my hand. Even if I have to remove meeting attendees from my desk, not once, not twice, not even three times, more like four or five. Then close the door on the innocent little kitty faces. Can’t you see we’re are starving to death—and incredibly bored, but that really isn’t the point so much right now. We’re hungry, hungry, HUNGRY and we you have our very FAVORITE dish—a dish of FOOD! Share, share with us, share NOW! They plead as they beat on the door, a little like a hoard of raging zombies.
I’m pretty sure that zombies don’t make good staff. They probably aren’t welcome at meetings either. That whole brain eating schtick, not such a good thing when we need to make use of all the brains we have at a meeting. And they don’t purr. The cats have that going for them in spades…
Surely I have some kitty treats around here somewhere for the next meeting.
LOL!! I love these posts. [chortle] I may decide I like cats after all.
The problem with kitty treats is that when you think you’ve found one they love, and when they get excited about it for long enough to fool you into stocking up, they then decide that you are trying to poison them with what they adored the day before. They are Cats, after all. But be not dismayed. Store the treats way for long enough and they sometimes decide that they are the best thing going . . . for a while.
It is not so very different with dogs, but perhaps a bit easier to “train”. Being away, I have to put the chairs right at the tables when there is food onthem and secure the dog food, just in case…. <3