On Good Breeding and Polite Society

Last Friday I had the very great pleasure of doing a talk at the South Regional Branch of the Montgomery County Public Library on Good Breeding and Polite Society.
Who knew the the effects of the French Revolution might still be felt at the English dining tables of the early 19th Century!
Noel was a lovely host and we had such a wonderful time sharing tea afterwards. She always plays fabulous events.
I can’t wait until I get to go back and visit again!

I wish your talk had been videoed so you could post it and let us all hear it.
Lovely dress there Maria and I loved the shoes. Sorry… I was distracted. I bet this was an amazing discussion. I’d love to see it or, better yet, to read about it. That would be a great title for a book. You could use segments of all Austen’s work to support your hypothesis. Goodness, I sounded rather academic there for a moment. Oh… it’s gone now. I think I have a headache. Thanks for sharing your day with us.