HomeRegency LifeThe Pinnacle of Country Entertaining


The Pinnacle of Country Entertaining — 1 Comment

  1. The poor hostess… having a hoard of people in your home to entertain, feed, have sufficient servants to take care of all their needs and for an indeterminate period of time??? La! I break out in hives just thinking about it. Or having to go somewhere I didn’t want to go in order to further a political career, matchmake a son or daughter and or maintain social obligations and connections. I shudder at the thought. I guess I am too much of a recluse or introvert to tolerate such a group. We once held a dinner [potluch thank goodness] for my husband’s relations and had thirty plus people. Hubby doesn’t like crowds in the best of times and we only hosted that one time. He likes his quiet and solitude. Sounds like Mr. Bennet doesn’t it? I can’t wait to see what you show us next. Hope you have a delightful and relaxing vacation.

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