HomeFresh FictionDuet part 4


Duet part 4 — 7 Comments

  1. Good for Georgiana! She has a worthy partner too! I’m really really hoping somebody puts Mrs Dowding in her place? I imagine if she dares to insult Elizabeth either she will retaliate or Darcy will put her in her place or preferably throw her out!

  2. Oh, that woman… what a b-witch. How on earth do they allow her to be such a… grrrrrr! Man, this is going to be a very, very long house party. I doubt she will EVER be invited back to Pemberley again. She puts Caroline Bingley/Fanny Ferras/Aunt Norris and all the other Austen women with a viper-tongue to shame. Excellent excerpt. I love how Georgiana and Mr. Pirece joined forces to circumvent Mrs. Dowding’s evil machinations to embarrass. Well done.

  3. What a great duo Georgiana and Mr. Pierce have become. I love the sense of a budding romance? It really is hard to believe that no one has put Mrs. Dowding in her place. She really needs that. It seems she cowed her in-laws as well as her husband. Grrrrrrrr!

  4. Nicely done, Georgiana!! 😀

    It’s so fun to see her rising to the occasion as a hostess alongside Elizabeth!! 😀

    I’m really enjoying this amusing story!! Thanks, Maria!!

    Susanne 🙂

  5. A very delightful conclusion, Maria! Thank you for showing Elizabeth’s influence on Georgiana, and how Georgiana has come to appreciate her. She is growing up nicely whether she is aware of it or not. When her first instincts are to benefit another instead of protecting herself, then she has learned some of Elizabeth’s lessons. Well done! And it seems she has made a worthy friend. Hopefully she will see more of him in the future – without the intrusive presence of Mrs. Dowding!

  6. This was a sweet novella. I was thrilled when Pierce mentioned her dowry. Mrs. Dowding put Miss Bingley to shame when it comes to being a back biting harpy. Georgina definitely stepped up to the plate!

  7. I have not been following this story so just may have to go back but, first, want to read the other stories on “A Cure for the Saturday Doldrums”. Thanks – even if today is Sunday. Mrs. Dowding is a real pain!

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