New beginnings

You never know when new beginnings are in store for you. I certainly did not expect one.
Sometime when you’re just minding your business, unexpected things happen. In this case a new beginning. I didn’t anticipate it, especially not one starting the way this one did.
One person whispered some ugly, disgruntled gossip and someone else repeated it until those words blazed a path of destruction right over me.
The whole thing left me wondering why these folks, who should have been role models, did not follow the principles they’d been taught and worse still, claimed to represent.
Those musings reminded me of a line from Mr. Darcy at the end of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. “As a child I was taught what was right, but I was not taught to correct my temper. I was given good principles, but left to follow them in pride and conceit.”
That thought led to another, rather in ‘If you give a Mouse a Cookie‘ fashion. If you give a gal a thought, then she is going to have another one… So I got thinking, what if Darcy had followed his ‘good principles’ and what— or who— might have made him do so?
And if you give a gal another thought, she’s going to get an idea.. Thus a story and eventually, a series, was born.
I am thankful for the wonderful and unforeseen friendships that have blossomed along this author’s journey. What unexpected treasure! These friends encouraged me to fulfill my inner nerd, pushing me to pursue random bits of fascination that have lead to places I never expected to see.
I confess to loving every minute of it and I look forward to sharing my random bits of fascination with you in this blog. Thanks for joining me in this journey.
by Maria Grace © 2011-2025, all rights reserved
I am so excited for you! I love your new website! Congratulations! I can’t wait to hold the book in my hand!
Barbara Tiller cole
Thanks Barb! That means alot.
Your new website is beautiful. Looking forward to your new book. Love the idea about persuing good principles. Will be watching. Much love and success! ~Jen Red~
Thank you so much Jennifer. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the encouragement.
What a real life happening this is. Makes me wonder “is this where it all began”. Has definitely changed my life. Looking forward to reading this. Should be interesting.
Lots of luck and success with your writing.