Tag Archives: live events
Courtship and Marriage: Visiting JASNA NY
One thing about natural disasters, they are very ill-mannered guests. They show up to your place uninvited, sometimes with other unexpected guests in tow. They overstay their welcome, leave everything a mess–and all that is after they have shown up at the worst possible time. As we were coping with all Harvey brought our way, in the moments I had two extra brain cells to rub together (which I confess were few and far between) … Continue reading →
High Tea at Windsor Lakes
A proper high tea is the perfect way to welcome the start of spring. This weekend I was invited to speak at the Lake Windsor Springtime High Tea, in honor of their late founder, Susan Boswell. The pleasure was all the greater knowing the event supported the Alzheimer’s association and the Windsor Lakes library. What an absolutely gorgeous event and one of the most gracious audiences I’ve ever been privileged to speak to! Just look at … Continue reading →
Set for Spring 2017
I feel a bit like a Regency romance heroine–a weekend of doing nothing but dancing and flirting with my Mr. Darcy. That in a nutshell was the Set for Spring weekend this year. Perhaps I should pause a moment and explain. My Mr. Darcy and I belong to our local traditional dance society. Each spring our region has an event called Set for Spring, a whole weekend of nothing but dancing, hosted in a different … Continue reading →
If you Give a Teen a Classic…
If you give a teen a Jane Austen classic book… they will be dying to know more! If you give a teen (or a group of them) a Jane Austen classic book, they will be dying to know more. And if they are dying to know more, they will find a Janeite to tell them more. And if a Janeite tells them more, they will suggest watching Jane Austen movies with the Janeite. And when … Continue reading →