HomeVicars, Curates and Church Livings


Vicars, Curates and Church Livings — 4 Comments

  1. In Jane Austen’s novels the clergymen who are identified as rectors are William Collins and Edward Ferrars. And Charles Hayter is to be a rector in the future.

  2. This is so incredibly helpful! I am a professional screenwriter and novelist, and I am working on an Austen screen adaptation. This cleared up so many things about the role and function of clergymen for me as I worked on a first draft. Well done website. Thank you so much!

  3. Not all clergymen were graduates of Oxford and Cambridge. Many clergymen in poorly-endowed parishes in the north of England and Wales did not have degrees, and were described in ecclesiastical records as ‘Literates’. However, they still had to be sufficiently well-educated to satisfy the ecclesiastical authorities that they were suitable for ordination.

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