HomeBlogThis can be a difficult day


This can be a difficult day — 5 Comments

  1. Someone thought it would be a wonderful idea to celebrate mothers and give them their very own day. I do not begrudge them their praise. I appreciate my mother even though she has been gone many years now.

    For some, childbirth was long and difficult. For others, not so bad. For many women, they will never have that privilege. While others suffer the loss of a child.
    Many pastors have the mothers stand in recognition of their accomplishments so the congregation can show their appreciation. Many churches hand a flower to mothers as they enter the sanctuary. However, for many, it is a devastating day as other women proudly stand and they remain seated for whatever reason.

    At one service I attended, the pastor had mothers stand as well as teachers [both school and Sunday school], and anyone who was influential in the development of children. That was nice. I proudly took my place with the others. My heart was full.

    My good friend did not attend church today. She could not bear it. I can tolerate it better now that I am older. When I was younger, it hurt too much. I do not enjoy Mother’s Day. I have nothing to contribute and even the Bible calls me and others barren. What a stark and empty word. Sometimes God just says no.

    It would be the classroom where I would find my fulfillment. I was the mother/grandmother figure for hundreds of children. My heart was finally full. ‘It is well.’

    • My heart hurts for you (like you, I find it a painful day). I appreciate the pastors who broaden the term “mother” to include everyone in a nurturing role.

  2. I sent Mother’s Day greetings to all my friends and former colleagues, especially those like myself who are aunts and great aunts because we should be recognized too. One of my colleagues wrote back that I “made her tear up.” I think that it’s time that we dispense with the word “barren” because women “mother” in so many ways without giving “birth “.

  3. I thank the ladies who posted for sharing their hearts. We have a truly blended family in that I married a divorced man with one child and was only able to have one before emergency surgery ended my dreams. I was devastated, thinking there would be no more children in my life. I forgot in my pain the wonderful women who had loved and mentored me in my tender years. To my thankfulness, other children were added as ‘children of our heart’ to extend us to 6, and those gracious young people allow us to grandparent their children as well.
    Hearts have the capacity to love and receive love from many surprising places. We are grateful to have been blessed.

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