HomeRegency LifeThe True Art of Letter Writing


The True Art of Letter Writing — 3 Comments

  1. I love emojis! Sometimes they are more expressive than words. I think my favorite email etiquette rule is not writing in all caps because it means that you are yelling at the person.

  2. I remember penmanship class, back in the day, when we used a nib pen and a bottle of ink. Funny thing, I never used cursive because my students couldn’t read it. Seriously… I had to print everything. Not that is sad.

  3. I love writing letters — minus the crosshatching, please! I have even embarked upon learning Copperplate lately, although I am learning some simpler calligraphy styles first as practice before embarking upon Copperplate! I do write personal letters infrequently, with a fountain pen, colored and scented ink, on parchment-style paper and sealed with wax (it costs 20 cents more per letter to mail a letter with a wax seal as it must be hand-franked as to not gum up the postal machines!). I had a wax seal created with our family crest as a gift for my older son, so I had one made for me, too. What does Amazon NOT do?

    I am abominably vain about my penmanship, so I get to show it off with handwritten letters … which seems to be relegated to a rare art, if not a nearly lost one. 🙁

    And I confess to being known as the Queen of Emojis at work (I teach online writing courses to families). 😉

    Thank you for this lovely post, G!!

    With warmest regards,
    Susanne 🙂

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