Georgian Terrace Houses

Terrace houses dominated the London landscape during the Regency. Almost the entire London population, rich and poor alike, lived in one or another version of the terrace house.
I am probably the odd one out. I actually love the research process. It is probably one of my favorite things about writing historical fiction of all sorts. As a kid, I loved to read reproductions of old cookbooks—and honestly I still do, yeah I know, I’m the weird one, always have been..
Vintage cookbooks often offer insight into daily household activities from eras long past. Knowing what the spaces people lived in and how they cooked, ate, cleaned their homes, their clothes and themselves, the medicines they prepared and the maladies they prepared them for all paint such a vivid picture for me of what life was like, I feel a little transported to that era myself.
I found myself in a deep dive into the architecture of the Georgian era as I was crafting the world of the Blue Order for Jane Austen’s Dragons. I was pleasantly surprised how easily the Georgian terrace house fit in with the needs of the dragon world.
Or perhaps I should not have been, because Of Course, There Were Dragons!
Georgian Terrace Houses

Terrace houses dominated the London landscape during the Regency. Almost the entire London population, rich and poor alike, line in one or another version of the terrace house.
The term terrace was borrowed from garden terraces and described streets of houses with uniform fronts and height that presented as a single elevation to the street.
The design of these houses varied little whether located in London, Bath, Dublin or Edinburgh, though the exterior facades might differ with local stone or brick, stucco or fancy ornamentation. Georgian terraces built along main urban thoroughfares often incorporated ground-floor shops with residences in the upper stories.
History of Terrace Houses
The Great Fire of London in 1666 brought about the first of a series of Building Acts (1667, 1707, 1709 and 1774). These acts set building requirements to reduce the risk of fire spreading. Although they regulated London buildings specifically, they also influenced building style in many other cities.
The initial 1667 Act required brick or stone to be used for all external and party walls eliminating the typical timber fronts of the Tudor and early Stuart houses. The 1707 Act eliminated thick timber cornices. The 1709 Act required that window frames be set back behind the building line. The 1774 Act required the use of stone or brick, specified street width, the size and layout of the houses, floor to ceiling heights and controlled decoration on facades even more rigidly.
This final building act also divided terrace houses into four classes, defined by the number of stories, ceiling heights, road widths and wall thicknesses. At the very bottom of the scale, fourth rate houses were those built in large numbers by speculative developers from the late eighteenth century in response to industrial development in towns like Liverpool and Manchester. These houses were often built back-to-back in tiny yards pressed behind street frontages. In contrast, some of the wealthiest people in the country owned palatial, first rate terraced houses in prestigious locales like Belgrave Square and Carlton House Terrace.
First rate houses faced streets and lanes, were worth over £850 per year in ground rent and occupied over 900 square feet of ground space. Keep in mind, these houses usually had four stories, plus a basement so they were frequently more than 4500 square feet on the inside. Second rate houses faced streets, notable lanes, and the River Thames. They were worth between £350 and £850 in ground rent and had an exterior footprint of 500-900 square feet.
Third rate houses faced principal streets, rented for £150-£300 and occupied 350-500 square feet ground space. The most humble terrace houses, the fourth rate house, was worth less than £150 per year in rent and occupied less than 350 square feet of land. These houses might be only three stories instead of four and stood in yards and courts, apart from easy street access.
Terrace House Design

Whatever the size of the terrace house, the general plan was always the same. There would be one room at the back and one at the front of each floor with a passage and staircase at one side. The rooms were sometimes divided into smaller units.
All except the poorest houses had basements. Most of the service rooms, often including the kitchen, would be in the basement which was often accessed through an open area in front with steps leading down to it. The open area would give light to the kitchen windows and opened onto storage vaults under the pavement. Small wells around the house would allow for windows to light other subterranean rooms including back staircases and household offices.
A variety of offices might be housed in the basement include the scullery (a small room for washing and story dishes and kitchen equipment); pantry and larder for food storage; butler’s pantry and quarters, safe, and cleaning-room for the silver; housekeeper’s-office; still-room for drying and preparing foods and herbs for storage, medicinal formulations, soap, ect; servants’-hall where servants might eat and socialize; a wine-cellar and a closet for beer; laundry and housemaid’s-closet for linen storage; quarters for housekeeper, cook and possibly men-servants; and vaults for coals and dust. Even in the largest of house not all these rooms might be present and if present, they could be very small, with many of them packed tightly into the limited basement space.
(I confess, I squealed upon discovering these basements as they made for an easy connection to dragon lairs and dragon tunnels! Have I mentioned: of course there were dragons?)
A lift, also called a dumbwaiter, might be employed to bring food and other items up from the basement to the principle floors of the house. The lift might be located in a back stair well rather than opening directly into a room of the house.
Ground Floor
The best rooms in a townhouse were on the ground (called the first floor by Americanse) and first floor (considered the second floor by Americans) and faced the back of the house, away from the dirt and noise of the street. These included drawing rooms, parlors and dining rooms.
Drawing rooms were a place near the front door for accessibility in greeting visitors. The women of the house and their female guests would also use the drawing room as a place to retreat after dinner, so they would be near the dining room as well. In contrast, the more modest parlor was a private room for the family’s enjoyment.
In large houses, the ground floor might also house an entrance hall, cloak-room, storage closet, and library or office. These would be more likely to face the street side of the house.
The First Floor
The first floor contained large rooms for entertaining. The rooms might be used for card paying, parlor games and dancing. Large or folding doors might connect smaller rooms so that they could be opened to create larger spaces. Principle bedrooms might also occupy this floor, usually located in the front (street side) of the house.
The Second Floor
The more modest second floor featured secondary bedrooms for children, or perhaps a lodgers or guests. The rooms on this floor would be more simply furnished and decorated than those on lower floors. Bathing rooms, closets and linen storage rooms for both cleaned and soiled linens might also be located on this floor.
The Attic
The rooms on the highest floor were reserved servants, who often used beds that were let down from the wall like murphy beds. Nursery suites and storage rooms might also be located here. These rooms were cheaply painted and furnished.
Large town homes might also include outbuilding behind the house. Stables and carriage houses might also feature quarters for coachmen and grooms for the horses.
Even though there was a great deal of similarity between the terraced homes, the differences were important reflections of the wealth and status of the occupants of these home and offer a delicious variety of details for world-building and story crafting.
Characteristics of the Georgian Town House The Ideal House
Kerr, Robert. The Gentleman’s House (1871, 3ed.)
Lane, Maggie. Jane Austen and Food Hambledon (1995)
Le Faye, Deirdre. Jane Austen: The World of Her Novels. Harry N. Abrams (2002)
London Architecture
Parissien, Steven. Regency Style Phaidon Press Limited (2000)
Sabor, Peter (editor). The Cambridge Edition of the Juvenilia. Cambridge University Press (2006)
Spencer-Churchill, Henrietta. Classic Georgian Style. Collins & Brown (1997)
Summerson, John – Georgian London Yale University Press (2003)
Yorke, Trevor. Georgian & Regency Houses Explained Countryside Books (2007) Yorke, Trevor. Regency House Styles Countryside Books (2013)
Interesting information about the basements and what was located there. I suspect that the basement of Downton Abbey was huge considering the number of servants that worked there. I can only imagine what the attic looked like during that time. It’s small wonder that the upper classes needed so much money and eventually had to allow tradesmen to marry into the first circles so that they could maintain their lifestyles.
Lord, my parents in law lived in a Georgian crescent house in Clifton in Bristol UK. 6 floors! I’m asthmatic and only the first and top floor had one run of stairs, the rest were double, going back on each other. A visit all but killed me. There was a cellar below with a well and storage for wine etc. And the basement above. The house was on a hill so the back entrance was in the basement, for tradesman, the front entrance was on the floor above for family etc. The windows were massive and had shutters and being in a crescent the front was half the width of the back in a fan shape. They were so popular in the Georgian era that they were built at speed and rapidly, not well. There were constant works needed for badly built rooves and subsidence and the original stabling was on another crescent above..fancy houses now. Beautiful, but I wouldn’t live there if you paid me. Ironically the houses built for lower classes were much better built.
I love your research. O course, there were dragons. And, yes, the dragon keepers would build their houses to accommodate the dragon tunnels and easy access to the Blue Order. It would be a virtual highway underground. I can imagine patrols and security would be strict in certain areas. Wow! Look what you have done. LOL! Thanks for sharing, be safe, and healthy.
I’m with you – I really enjoy the research process. I bought the Yorke book when I was doing background research for a stage version of P&P (which got covid-cancelled, sadly). One of the things I enjoy about it is all the diagrams & illustrations Yorke includes. Social history is my favorite kind so I enjoy all these blog posts.
I grew up living in a basement of a Georgian house in Paddinton now renamed Westminster, (during 1939 -1956 ) which had a large copper cauldron in in the scullery. I presume this was servants quarters where all laundry was down. There were only two other rooms besides the scullery and a blocked off staircase leading upstairs. My father although just a renter undertook to remove the base of the cauldron, if I can call that, to install a coal burning range containing an oven and an surface for cooking, which added comfort in the winter. The scullery had the only sink and was therefore our kitchen. Along with a gas stove it served as a way of heating water for our laundry system complete with scrubbing board for my poor mother. we had a WC tucked around corner outside. Saturday night was bath night, so with the curtains drawn we brought in our galvanized tin tub from its place hanging in the back yard, ah such luxury! I left there at 17 to emigrate to Canada. But now I try to imagine how the other four small families that lived in that Georgian fared.
Beacon Hill, Boston, MA.
Loved this write-up! Very helpful for my own research 🙂
Do you happen to know if the ton rented their London townhouses with or without furnishings? I’m currently wondering if, between two renting parties, there would be renovations or remodeling by the landlord, and new tapestries, wallpaper, or actual furniture brought in, or if that was renter’s business. Wonder if that is known!
As I understand it, the furnishings ect were included in the rental of the townhouse. Some might have brought a few things with them, but transporting such things was pretty effortful, so those would have been at a minimum.
Thank you!