Day 6- 30 Days of Gratitude
Gratitude #6: What freedoms are you grateful for?

I am grateful for so many freedoms today, but if I were to single out one on in particular, I think it would have to be the freedom to turn away from the past and make choices to ensure the future is different. I am thankful that things do not have to remain the same, we are free to change.
I am grateful for the freedom of religion. So many of our brothers and sisters across the world have to hide when they gather to worship and pray. I cannot imagine that.
I fully agree, Jeanne. Plus we have the freedom of speech which goes with the freedom of religion. In America we still have the freedom to seek fame and fortune – we are not limited by our title or wealth. Education is high on the list of freedoms I treasure.
Since I assume we are to keep politics out of the discussion, I will say I’m grateful that the 13 year old across the street has gone into business offering to shovel snow. Just in time – we’re having a blizzard and there’s a pandemic. I ‘m grateful for the freedom to hibernate.
I am grateful for the right to vote. And people did.
I definitely agree with all of you! Living in America offers us many freedoms that are not available to everyone in the world: pursuit of happiness, the ability to follow the religion of our choice, advancement and opportunities via education regardless of birth and rank, freedom of speech which allows us to protest peacefully, and the right to vote, which allows us a choice in how we are governed as a people. America offers many blessings, and I am grateful!