Day 5- 30 Days of Gratitude
Gratitude #5: What beauty did you encounter today?

I confess, I’m something of a weird bird. I think I’m half plant. I need sunshine, especially to get started in the morning. My bedroom faces east and I have very light curtains that let in the morning sunshine.
This morning, I opened my eyes early to see the sky exploding in rosy gold that bubbled over the clouds and filled my windows with a truly unique and magical color. It wasn’t a typical sunrise color, rather more like a special order hue just for that morning.
It only lasted about five minute before the more typical business of sunrise began. How privileged to have been able to share in those moments of beauty.
Beautiful picture!
Just eating breakfast so have not had many experiences yet today. My daughter did send me some soccer shots of my granddaughter playing and one with her father, who was her team’s coach – that shot was lovely! When I take my walks outside which are daily (if the weather cooperates) I always love looking at a blue sky with maybe a few white fluffy clouds.
Watching the leaves blowing and falling in the breeze. For so long, we didn’t have a pretty fall. All the leaves just curled up and turned brown. Then suddenly it exploded and all the fall colors burst forth everywhere. During this Indian Summer, we are enjoying warmer weather and bright sunlight. Soon it will change and winter will officially be here. Oh well. We will enjoy it while it is here.