HomeJane Austen's DragonsInspiring A Writer—Jane Austen’s Dragons! part 1


Inspiring A Writer—Jane Austen’s Dragons! part 1 — 11 Comments

  1. Maria, “Netherfield :Rogue Dragon” be formatted for NOOK ? I would love to have it in my Library.

  2. I love that PP&Z was your inspiration for JA’s Dragons!! Who would have thunk? 😉

    This is just a brilliant, brilliant idea, and I hope that it will continue into another JA book. In a way, because of its Gothic themes, NA might be a good choice. Or Persuasion–since there’s the idea of dragon persuasion rather than Lady Russell’s persuasion. Perhaps Wentworth has been involved in dragon battles/control in France or the starting of a Blue Order-type treaty on the continent when he returns to England to report back to the Blue Order. Perhaps Kellynch can be a dragon with continental connections, and Wentworth must return to ask his/her help with the treaty? Or something like that. Dragon war could be in the offing–and Anne is the only one who can “hear” in her family…unless her father can but ignores the whole dragon thing as beneath him.

    Oh, so many ideas!! I know that you can’t merely “insert” dragons into a JA plot–there has to be a dragon plot of severe import involved. I just LOOOOVE this AU you’ve created in Regency England with the estate dragons, the Blue Order, etc.

    Your imagination is far more fertile than mine, so I know you’ll come up with something absolutely amazing!!!!

    With warmest congratulations,
    Susanne 🙂

  3. Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us. Looking forward to reading more about it in future posts. I don’t think I have enough creative juices in my body for any inspiration to have had any results, though I do have a plot bunny that runs around in my head from time to time. Every time I’ve tried to write any of the details down, it all peters out very quickly and as for writing dialogue? Forget it!

    As for any future Dragon books, Susanne has been far more eloquent on the subject than I could be. All I can say is “More please, pretty please?”

  4. I niw have Netherfield : Rogue Dragon in my NOOK. I will eventually read it, tho currently I am revisiting my home away from home planet, Pern. Didn’t you tell me in a prior post that you’re a fan of the “Dragonriders” series ?

  5. I just finished reading the JA dragon trilogy. Quite enjoyable, loved reading about what the inspiration was. As stated above, you’ve created quite a universe.

  6. Pingback:Of course, there were dragons ~ Random Bits of Fascination

  7. Pingback:The Welsh Dragon ~ Random Bits of Fascination

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