HomeRegency LifeA look at Regency Dancing, part 1


A look at Regency Dancing, part 1 — 10 Comments

  1. Maria, I loved all of the dances. I wish I could join in, though it might be as one of the musicians playing off to the side. Great fun. Jen Red

    • I have two left feet and no sense of rhythm. I’ve been surprised at being able to do any of these at all. It isn’t as difficult as it looks, at least some of them aren’t.

  2. Lovely, but I think a trifle too sedate. Another segement from a BBC production has the dancers dancing with much more vigor. They seemed to bounce more. These segements are very helpful, though and the dancers are lovely.
    I once visited a Royal Scottish Dancers Meeting and took part in one of the dances. Much more vigorous and engergetic than the dancers above seem to have been,
    Maybe different dances .

    • Nancy,
      I think you hit the nail on the head. Different Dances. Scottish Reels are know for being far more lively and bouncy than other dances. There is also variation in English Country Dance (which my husband and I do) from dance to dance.

      The videos are taken from a ‘Naopleonic Ball’ which was set to be a very formal occasion. In the period, those types of occasions did not tend to feature the most lively, bouncey dances as they were thought a tad improper for the setting.


  3. In P & P and a lot of JAFF, we read of these important and even not so important conversations during these types of dances. How in the world? They are so far apart and anything said would be hear by the group. It makes no sense to me. Surely, Jane knew this.

    • That’s a great question, Kathy. So good in fact that I’m going to tackle it in a post all its own. My husband, son and I have been doing English Country Dancing recently and have attended a couple of balls. So I hope to share some reflections from the ballroom floor.

  4. I have to say I loved this installment. I truly enjoy dancing but mine is more the polka/waltz type version. I’d love to know how to do this but feel as hopeless as mr. Collins. I tried square dancing a couple times and liked to killed off the rest of the attendees. I think I’d definitely need a private tutor and some moving mannequins.

  5. Pingback:A look at Regency dancing, part 2 - Random Bits of Fascination

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