#9: Top 10 reasons why writing takes so long

#9 Cat stole my glasses
Here’s another look at my oh-so-helpful editorial staff. They think they are helpful, but their idea of help and mine can strongly differ.
You met Whitie in my last installment of this list. Well, he is oh so very helpful to me. He wants to make sure that I don’t get lonely while I’m editing, so he’s a constant figure on the desk. He’s there even more often since I make sure to considerately place my glasses there for him.
Deluded beast is utterly convinced that my glasses are a most exotic (and expensive!) cat toy, there just for his enjoyment. He gets rather put out when I take them away. So he has become adept at stealing them from me and has been caught running down the hall with them in his mouth.
My editors are so helpful. They just doesn’t seem to grasp that you can’t edit if you can’t see!
It was wonderful meeting you this weekend. I do not own a cat, but I do have an invisible gremlin who moves my “stuff” on a regular basis.
I really enjoyed getting to spend some time with you this weekend, Regina. I think I have a cousin to your gremlin living with me. Even in rooms with the cats are not allowed, things disappear!
my puppy actually did eat my glasses last week as well as demolishing half my laptop the other half is still clinging to life until pay day
Dog have a whole ‘nother level of destructive capacity, don’t they? I’m so sorry to hear about your laptop!
Pingback:Vol 3 Editing Update « Maria Grace
I know that one.
My dog didn’t go for outright destruction (except for the tennis balls and frisbees we played catch with), but she didn’t particularly care where she lay down, and if she just happened to lie down on top of something…
If I started to list the number of things my animals will nap on, I’d have to list everything and everyone in the entire house!
Pingback:#8: Top 10 reasons editing takes so long « Maria Grace