HomeJane Austen's DragonsA Sneak Peek: My new book … and dragons!


A Sneak Peek: My new book … and dragons! — 15 Comments

  1. Well done! I was very surprised to hear April talk cognitively at first. We had lovebirds that were very personable, that perched on shoulders. Etc. So it seemed very natural, until April had an opinion. Intriquing!

  2. Dragons. Darcy. Elizabeth.

    What fun!

    Loved the excerpt , but despite the talk of dragons , I was imagining April as a small song bird, then a hummingbird . So to my surprise, she was a fairy dragon! How cool!

    Definitely looking toward to this story, this series !
    The amazing Maria grace strikes again!!

  3. Lovely! I can’t wait to see this published — sounds delightful! And you’ve been very sly in keeping any hint of the story from us until now! When is it going to be published, do you know yet? Congratulations on the grandson!

  4. Fantasy isn’t usually my thing but I’m already hooked on this!! I love the idea of a cranky dragon named Longbourn! Keep us informed on your progress!!

  5. I always enjoy your stories and must say that this one I find extremely intriguing. I will look forward to your other excerpts and to reading the books, as well. Whatever gave you the idea to write about dragons? Did you research what you could about the animals?

    • The idea came together one day while sitting at the local pizza buffet withy my teen-aged sons. We were kicking around story ideas and had this lovely what-if scenario about an underground society of dragons. That formed the backbone of the story ideal. I have done and continue to do research into the mythos of dragons. I am taking some liberties in creating my world here, but whenever possible I am relying on established mythologies and legends. Thanks, Linda!

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