Resolving to be Fiercely Kind - Random Bits of Fascination
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Resolving to be Fiercely Kind — 8 Comments

  1. What a beautiful post, Maria Grace! The quote you shared was inspiring, as is your determination to live those words. (I have a feeling, based on your writings, you already do live those words.). May 2021 bring you the joy that comes with sharing your fierce kindness with others.

  2. Galatians 5:22, 23 speaks of the fruitage of the spirit, which includes kindness. A friend once told me “when in doubt, do the kind thing”. I wear a t-shirt that reads “be kind to one another”. God’s holy spirit motivates us to imitate him by showing loving kindness. I appreciate your article!

  3. Bless you, for sharing this with us. I am not on social media and we chose to not watch all the news feeds that were simply too much. My husband’s health did not need additional stress and anxiety. He is in remission and we chose to stay in and stay close. We laugh when we can and keep to ourselves. Thanks for this reminder that we do have a choice. Blessings, stay safe, and healthy.

  4. Thank you so very much for your message. It is one I absolutely needed to hear. I have long struggled with depression and stress–too often taking my frustrations out on those around me or allowing the actions of others to determine my reactions. I keep a pretty print of the Cinderella quote (Have Courage and Be Kind) on my bulletin board at my desk. I believe I will add fiercely to it and work harder this year at being the person I should be. Offering Grace to myself and others around me.

    Again, thanks for your timely message.

  5. YES!!! These last few months have been horrendous for our family. Several deaths of family members and beloved friends and mentors (and several more impending deaths) are only the tip of this horrendous iceberg. I have started to keep a journal, a “Go-To” book of quotations (mostly Scripture) to keep my focus on God and not on my circumstances. Printed on the front of this journal are the words, “Don’t Let Anyone Dull Your Sparkle.”

    And that’s what I am trying to do … but not by myself.

    Here is one of these gems, spoken by Robert Willis, Dean of Canterbury Cathedral, in a recent Morning Prayer reflection:
    “Every day we set out on a new journey, a new pilgrimage, of imaginative encouragement for ourselves and also for each other.” (Canterbury Cathedral’s YouTube channel, Morning Prayer, 14 January 2021)

    The idea of “fierce kindness” is one I am adding to my Go-To” journal. Thanks ever so much!! <3

    Susanne 🙂

  6. I also am not on social media except for blogs like this and Goodreads. So all I will say is GOD bless you in your resolutions listed above. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I somehow missed this post, but I want to react even a little late (not that these resolutions can be late). Thank you very much for sharing this! With this quarantine/lockdown life, full of difficulties and fears unknown in an era “before”, it is very important for me to see that others struggle too, that they don’t give up and make good resolutions. That there are others, friends around the globe, even if we have never met in person, yet we can be there for each other, We can strengthen each other and remind each other of what is truly important.
    Thank you again for this inspiring and uplifting post!

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