Don't Drink the Water~ Barley Water - Random Bits of Fascination
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Don’t Drink the Water~ Barley Water — 6 Comments

  1. In Britain, there is Robinson’s Barley Water a popular commercial orange or lemon barley water squash (concentrated fruit drink mix) which you dilute with water to taste. It can be bought from stores with British imported products in North America.

  2. We often used to have Robinson’s Lemon Barley as children and my Nana loved it. I tend to drink plain water now along with hot water and lemon (either a slice or juice)
    Luckily I was never given it with hydrochloric acid as a taster!
    Some of the things they ate, drank or used as medicine make me wonder how people survived at all!

  3. I’m with Glynis and wonder how on earth they survived their curatives. I’m also with Sheila, nope, no thank you, I’ll pass. You always have the most interesting posts. What fun.

  4. I’ve always wondered about barley water! Thanks for the explanation.
    You may be surprised to learn that a lot of people take hydrochloric acid with meals. Our stomachs produce less acid as we age. Some diseases have the same effect. Food takes longer to digest, irritating the stomach, resulting in acid indigestion. Most people only need the betaine capsules for a few months, as their stomachs begin producing more acid on their own. Protein is particularly hard to digest with insufficient acid. (I know this sounds weird, but it helps a lot of people. I’ve learned a lot of sometimes strange facts from you, I had to share one of mine.) ?

    ps. Many people believe that medications like Pepcid and Nexium contribute to osteoporosis because the body is unable to digest the minerals in food.

  5. Pingback:Don't Drink the Water: Orgeat ~ Random Bits of Fascination

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