HomeBlogHappy New Year! Welcome 2018


Happy New Year! Welcome 2018 — 10 Comments

  1. Oh Maria, I too hope for a much better year for you than the last one! .
    Fingers crossed the Job situation is soon sorted and that you have a long period of calm to get your writing back on track.
    Good luck with all your hopes and look after your muse ?.

  2. I like what you had to say about your church notes: ‘Sometimes we just have to let God be God even if we don’t understand it all.’ I agree completely. Sometimes we can make all the plans in the world and suddenly the landscape changes and we have to make new plans. So… don’t plan too far in the future and let God be God.

    Blessings to you and your writing schedule. I’ll wait patiently for whatever comes… whenever it comes. No worries. I will be pleased either way. Have a blessed new year and health to you and your family. I hope your father does as well as he can and I pray for strength to you and your family as you cope with his illness. I’ve been there and know how hard it is to work when thinking about a sick parent.

  3. Gosh Maria you certainly had a year to remember in more ways than one. I hope this one is smoother for you. I had a bit of a tough time myself this year and a sick mother as well so I know what that part of your year was like.
    Looking forward though is always the best way. We can only ever have hope. Here’s to some good writing from you in the year ahead.

  4. Yes, those church notes about letting God be God can pretty much sum up my year as well. I’m still learning to let things prayerfully remain in God’s “To Do” box rather than snatching them back and making a poor “go” of it myself. :/

    I am really looking forward to Netherfield: Rogue Dragon. I have re-read the first two books of the series several (okay, many) times, collecting clues and pondering what could possibly happen, especially with Lydia and Wickham likely in cahoots with each other.

    The other works in progress look amazing, too, but it’s Netherfield that has me sooooooo excited!! 😀

    Wishing you and your family a healthy and blessed New Year!!

    Susanne 🙂

  5. Considering everything that went on in yours and your family’s lives last year, it’s pretty amazing that you managed to get anything published. I remember our “annus horribilis”, an expression HM Queen Elizabeth once used to describe trying times, in 1999. It was so difficult to concentrate on anything outside the problems, so I take my hat off to you for that. Of course, my heart goes out to you regarding the employment problems your son and husband are exepriencing. Again, it’s something I’ve got personal knowledge of and wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

    On a lighter note, I’m so looking forward to the third volume of the Dragon series. The other proposed works sound great too. “Kympton’s Daughter” as a title is definitely intriguing. Is Elizabeth the daughter, I wonder? If not, then just who is she?

    • Thanks so much Anji. I will have to remember ‘annus horribilis’ that’s a gread word picture. I’m sorry you could relate to a lot of ours. Like you said, I don’t wish it on anyone else.

      I’m hoping to get a lot accomplished in the next couple of weeks so I can get to posting new fiction!

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