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Grace under Pressure — 17 Comments

  1. What are you talking about? Every post you post is sharing a bit of your self to us. 🙂 Dont worry about it.

    And I too have had that question probe at me about me being stressed for nothing. They just don’t know how stressful it can get being a blogger and working on writing projects. And those numbers are impressive. You’re doing a great job and I’ll look forward to how well you do next week.

  2. You do such a great work Maria, don’t let ever anyone tell you otherwise, and never listen to those who believe thinking is not work, it sure is the heaviest of all works and most stressing.

    You even keep working at airports!! Both descriptions are fabulous, the first I just loved.

    Thanks for your work, I’ve been following for a while, but this is the first time I dare post a comment. 🙂

  3. I fully understand your frustration of people not understanding the stress you are under. I don’t either, but walk a mile in my she’s before you judge mW. I teach 4 year olds and get the same response…”What stress. All you do is play.”. I say come here and do my job for a day. They too are lucky they are alive. I don’t have the list you do…but try teaching social skills and manners as well as other things 10+ hours a day. You have my empathy. 🙂

    • I cannot imagine teaching 4-year olds all day. Kudos to you. I am so not cut out for that! I taught adults (university) for 16 years. But there is no way I could do children. Hats off to you!

        • You’ll laugh, I taught psychology (intro, developmental, history of), statistics for undergrads. Then for graduates(masters and doctoral) I taught human growth and development, learning, testing and measurement, survey research and counseling methods.

          • You are so right. I am laughing. And I thought it would’ve been English Lit for sure. :-).

          • Even funnier–I placed out of all my college English and history. I started out as an ENGINEER! I only took one history course, and it was pass-fail. Goes to show you never know where you’re going to wind up.

          • And I started out in computer science. You are so right. Look where I ended up, although O have always loved reading.

  4. Loved all the info. Written out like that it really is amazing. I try to reflect on my day every night just so I have an idea otherwise taking care of the grandkids doesn’t sound like much..

    • Thanks, Suzan. I think it is really to lose track of all that we do accomplish in a day and get really discouraged, especially when there are children involved. When my guys were small I would always wonder where he day had gone and what I’d actually done taking care of them.

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